I’ve lost track of how many times I e thought it. Of how many times I’ve been to massages in India and China – and have paid for them – and have ended up massaging – or more – the very ladies I paid to massage me. Hehe. Not just from a Humiliation perspective either! …
Raw, brutal – UNCENSORED – FEET – and soles!
It’s something I’ve spoke about before. It’s why I’m so attracted to Indian maids, so called “lower class” women in China, ladies of the night and such. The tougher life gets, the more brutal the fight for daily survival, the more NATURAL it gets – and looks. My fetish writings indeed hit home in a …
Her fat sexy dangling soles, and as a Dominant, the million dollar question I’m often asked.
A submissive for many years, the switch finally comes full circle to full blown dominance. It was always there, as the sculptor famously, or more accurately, Colonel Trautman in Rambo III (see Serving an Indian Goddess) said. We – in my case me – just chipped away the rough edges. As Paula said here… Do …
Shivika ma’am, paye lagu, Memsahib… ji!
Walking out there today, all I could think of was? The lovely Bhagwati! I haven’t seen her in a while and miss her – so does she. She has shown up in my dreams three times already, as if you reading this needed more proof of that. Now, I’ve spoken of the lovely younger dhoban …
Indian maid, PROFOUND pose!!
My. One of the things I love about YOU, Bhagwati – i told her this too, is that you don’t sit around gossiping like all the other Indian maids I’ve seen do in the park. That gossip is sexy of course – and so are these lovely lady’s foot poses! One of them was so …
Those coal black anklet clad soles, that dominating vibe…
Walking back in the summer heat in temperatures only a crazed fitness expert would walk in (me – hehe) my mind was focused on the lovely Bhagwati. Those lovely wrists, those coal black forearms wielding the broom so expertly, those black eyes, deep caring pools of sexy wisdom… … I’m not sure where she is …
The power of WORDS and the sheer VIBE driving that POWER.
As mentioned here – power is probably the ultimate aphrodisiac, either from a submissive standpoint – or dominant! Read that, and then – well, some random thoughts which may or may not make sense. If you think about them they might! Everyone has these preset expectations, theories. Cucks are “gay”. I’ve debunked this foolishness, as …
Profound Pose – yet again!
I haven’t written about her in a very long time. Shes still around though, is the venerable Rachna Ma’am. And as I caught a glimpse of her outstretched FOOT this morning – again, one of those “nanosecond” glimpses – the foot – the ankle – the anklet – all nothing special – but that lazy …
The sheer POWER every woman – every – has over footboys!!
Maybe some don’t even realise it – but deep down inside they all do. Walking back home after a soothing smoke I saw this “big” – gross understatement! – Indian lady decked out in all BLACK. She was probable obese x 10. I’m being kind there. Not the kind of sexy “a bit fat” tummy …
The best part about being with Malti, Bhagwati etc …
It’s not just the age difference which as a coy Bhagwati still won’t tell me “shayad bade hai hum”. Maybe I’m older than you. Maybe? Giggle. I’ve always found it cute, the topic of age and women, especially when they’re older than I am. Anyway … Remembering a hot sex session one day with Bhagwati …