Indian Femdom

Bhagwati Ma’am, thank you so much for not just GIVING my life purpose, but ADDING TO IT!

Not that I didnt have a purpose or know my place already!!

I did, and do – as I keep telling (or as we discuss all the time, I should say) the narrator of this book “Nym” (who hasn’t narrated it at the time of writing, but I know and predict she WILL, hehe) that “having a MAIN – SINGULAR – Purpose in life” makes thing flow so much easier, better and naturally – and its true.

I’ve tasted great success in my life, and great (even worse) failures too.

If you dont fail big, you will never succeed big, they are two sides of the same coin, one cannot and wont exist without the other, true success is only granted once you pass all the tests, and repeated big failures to the point of, and beyond giving up more than what most “mortals” could take is part and parcel of the tests old man (or Woman, hehe) LIFE throws at you!

Ya’ll read about the relationship Carol and I had in “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China” – till a few months ago I never thought there would be a more passionate relationship.

Then Bhagwati Ma’am happened, enough said!

Anyway – Napoleon Hill speaks of this (purpose in life) in Think and Grow Rich, a book that must be read even if you ain’t interested in getting rich – and in Outwitting the Devil, an even better short read, in my opinion his best(no I get nothing for introducing these books to you!) ..

I’ve often compared my own life with Hill’s – the ups, downs, trials, tribulations and so forth and the experiences, I could be him re-born. Hehe.

But anyway, he mentions how he kept getting “thrown back down” or failing worse and worse “ultimately” despite tasting great success in many an endavor until he found – well, STUCK to doing what LIFE planned on him doing, which was TEACHING basically.

His true purpose in life!

“You have been a stubborn student”, life tells him. “And therefore you were taught lessons until you learnt that the only way to succeed permanently in life is by helping others, and by following your true CALLING in life”.

I’m paraphrasing, Hill was far more eloquent than me.

If you’re interested, write back, I’ll let you know the exact words!

But thats sage, and true. Look at anyone’s life, the real successes are all doing what the universe meant, and planned on them doing, and even I only truly learnt the truism of this a few years ago, and continue to daily!

If you do what you’re meant to do, you’ll get help along the way.

You might encounter lots of setbacks, you likely will, but if you persevere, success shall be yours – no questions asked!

My femdom experiences have been a perfect example in this regard, now point of this?

Bhagwati Ma’am has only SHARPENED my focus.

I can never, except with Carol – recall feeling this way about a woman.

I was out of control in a bad way with Carol.

With this lady, I’m in control in that I can still think logically. Hehe.

That was the lesson I learnt from the last experience … passion is great, but always keep  LOGIC firmly in your mind too.

Anyway – she has just sharpened my focus, and my output, no pun, already prodigious increases by the day, and that if anything is reason enough write this ode to her.

Hill wrote of this in the chapter on sexual transmutation in Think and Grow Rich, about how men often credited their beautiful secretaries “near them” for a near abundant supply of MONEY making ideas – ideas that WORKED!

And he’s right. In all he says, including advancing age being a plus for men and not a negative as most think – again, yours truly – proof! Over 40, not a day over 28 forever. Hehe. The numbers add up too for a reason!

He also writes about how “lust” can make men go crazy – or if they channel it right, accomplish the impossible, and if they blend that in with love, they rise to the status of a GENIE. And I’m so in LINE with all of this, all so true!

UNCONTROLLED LUST is a recipe for and often does lead to disaster – usually for the MALE.

Control it, and you’re on the path to greatness (if you channel it).

Marry it with LOVE ,you’ve got it MADE!

Sexual desire is the strongest of all human emotions, bottle it up (chastity) – do so for longer and longer periods, and you’ll start to, as a male, experience the magic yourself, while you CAN get orgasms “repeated, female style” via sissygasms – and while your woman does too!

Trust me, it’s the only way to live.

And thats that, thank you so much Ma’am. You’re responsible for this and I love this, and like I keep saying (in my mind now, but in reality soon) – YOU TOO! I can’t wait to kiss your feet this afternoon! Or, thank you for taking more UN-announced holidays, hehe.


Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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