Indian Femdom

Never learn from porn.

The two are seperate – worlds, poles – long ones, hehe – apart. I’ve gotten tired of explaining the difference to Bozos who claim BDSM is a form of porn.

It’s not.

It doesn’t even have nudity in many cases – or a physical presence – or any release. Sometimes it does. Sometimes not.

Both are about the mind ultimately if done correctly.

But BDSM is more mental than any porn ever could be. You could go at it like an animal but you won’t be able to sustain BDSM for long periods of time without the right vibe, mindset – period – the long periods are what make it fun.

No, guys, it ain’t a quick jerk.

Go elsewhere if you want that – and a completely uneducated maid – over 55 – is the perfect example of what I’m saying!

She’s more educated than any MBA ever could be, of course. Hehe.

The way she tip-FLICKS between the foreskin first , pee hole of my phimotic dong. Oh – MY.


Hottest thing ever.

Not just going to porn inspired town like most do. Which as I’ve mentioned in Cock Worship for Sisses and Faggots, Penis Central etc is NOT how to do it right, nor is it the most pleasureable way.

You wouldn’t just gulp down an ice cream would you? No, you’d lick, flick, savor, taste the HEAD, the SKIN – the same logic applies HERE.

Never ape porn. Furthest thing to real bdsm there could be.

And the real kicker – she does this while…. While looking at me w/those big black SOULFUL eyes.

My. That Look!!!!!

And the vibe.

I had to teach her a lot of the technique yes. I had to get her comfortable.

But, as in a movie I saw yesterday, still haven’t finished – where the male lead trains Madam in self defense rightly points out that he could teach her all the technique in the world, but if she doesn’t have or somehow develop that KILLER instinct, it’s all to no avail.

Bhagwati always had that.

Always ambition and dominance in those lovely eyes!

And, outstretched ONE foot.

Even when she’s sucking me off, squatting in front of me, it’s the most goddamn dominant thing ever.

And if you don’t get that, you’re not into BDSM. Might as well go back to alpha male (not) inspired circle jerks in front of porn. Reminds me of what a so called alpha once told me about that “we can jerk off to porn together”.

A guy that secretly had to fuck other guys, because he couldn’t get none despite his so called alpha status. Hehe. Like I keep saying, if you have to keep saying you’re alpha – chances are your the polar opposite.

Same for guys who love to look at, as they call it “big juicy cocks,” share it as a sort of so called joke in completely non fetish chat rooms and such and of course justify it to themselves by claiming “they’d never read a book on cock worship”.

What hypocrites..

And that’s that!


Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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