Indian Femdom

Bhagwatis coal black, slim, slender, talented fingers, NOT polished, slim strong wrist…”padi likhi” and more ..

Her naturally well educated fingers!

Came out as fingered when I initially typed it. Both spot on, no pun!

In India, lots of emphasis is placed till this date amongst both rich and poor about “studies above all”.

Even the dhoban and her daughter I so cherish and worship, same thing, the older lady is so happy her daughter is educated over all.

Not entirely the best of things or way to think (physical activity is often ignored to the person detriment and they both gibtigey, not seperately) but old habits die hard, I guess, if at all. I often hear the “ap to itne padhe likhe hai” refrain from the so called lower classes, ie “I’m highly educated”…


They educate me better than any Ivy League school could. The best school is always, bar NONE – the school of hard knocks, period – lots of puns intended – and not!!

Bhago often giggled about this with me. Id reply with a joking “tum mujhse zyada padhi likhi ho” (you’re more educated than I Madam!).

So she is. Naturally. 😉

And that one day she pointed at a switch asking if it was the right one, while probably knowing she chose the right one and the effect that sexy strong slim firearms, BLACK fingers, palms a contrast, that ONE bangle on the wrist had on me – she made sure to extend her arm out. Hehe.


That cosl black sexy visual stuck in mind till today.

I believe it was this day it happened

Buying vegetables so I’m late was the big grin she gave me when she was late (if that’s not the right link above). Like I cared Madam! Hehe. No veggies were available then anyway, we both knew it – didn’t care. My SO sure did though. Hehe.

Anyway, these days I often drop her off to places on a motorbike I ride.

And my, that black forearm snaking around my waist SLYLY, sometimes “fingers accidentally brushing my chest” – well, we’ve all heard of going off the damn road when she gives you a blowjob, but on a bike, with Madam behind you, you balancing her, sometimes a friend of hers too. My!!!!

It’s a wonder I’m still in one piece .. hehe. All the beatings I’ve got and enjoyed from these lovely Indian Goddesses…

My, that coal black sexy FOREARM!


Out of control and that’s that.

Best, kisses –


PS – Show your support to the femdom movement in India by grabbing some products NOW.

PS #2- If this keeps up, I might just make and name, honor Madam as a co-au-natural-authoress of Nipplegasm Central! 

Her deeds SPEAK for themselves, much like magnificent lady herself does. Thank you, Ma’am. You’re truly a Goddess send and one yourself too!

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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